
Here are just some of the document types that we can automate for you.

Invoices and Billing Statements

Extracting data from invoices and billing statements is a crucial task for finance and accounting departments. This includes extracting line item details, invoice numbers, due dates, vendor information, payment amounts, and tax information.

Utility Bills

For managing operational costs, you need to extract data from utility bills to analyze energy consumption, water usage, and other expenses.

Only by extracting and analyzing this data can you find savings.

Purchase Orders

Companies often receive purchase orders from clients or customers. Extracting data from these documents helps you track orders, inventory, and supplier information.


For expense tracking and reimbursement purposes, extracting data from receipts is important. This includes details such as date of purchase, items purchased, amounts, and payment methods.

Financial Reports

Annual reports, financial statements, and balance sheets are examples of financial reports that you might need to extract data from to analyze financial performance and make strategic decisions.

Employee Records

HR departments often need to extract data from employee records, including personal information, employment history, benefits, and payroll details.

Contracts and Agreements

You may frequently deal with contracts and legal agreements. Extracting key terms, parties involved, dates, and clauses from these documents can support legal and compliance processes.

Regulatory Documents

In regulated industries, companies might need to extract data from regulatory filings, compliance reports, and audit documents.

Survey and Feedback Forms

Companies that collect customer feedback through surveys or forms might need to extract and analyze the data to gain insights into customer satisfaction and preferences.

Shipping and Logistics Documents

Extracting data from shipping and logistics documents, such as waybills and packing lists, helps companies track shipments, monitor delivery times, and manage inventory.

Healthcare Records

In the healthcare industry, extracting data from medical records and patient documents is crucial for accurate patient care and billing.

Travel and Expense Reports

For tracking employee travel expenses and reimbursements, companies extract data from travel and expense reports.

Market Research Reports

Companies might need to extract data from market research reports and surveys to make informed marketing and product development decisions.

Real Estate Documents

Real estate companies might extract data from property documents, lease agreements, and property management reports.

Insurance Documents

Insurance companies need to extract data from insurance policies, claims documents, and related paperwork.
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